Hello! How have you started the easter week?


In Vigo you are celebrating, but in Scotland we only celebrate Easter, and our only day off is Easter Monday.

Today I will make a special entry dedicated to ... Where I come from and how the hell have I ended up here?

Well there we go.

In Galicia there are several options to enter the textile world. Study the fashion design career either in Coruña or in Pontevedra; or access a course of professional training (we have the middle course of "Fashion and clothing" and the upper course of "Pattern and Fashion" and its the same as having a career in Spain, but more into do-it-on-your-own and less into the design part like know-hot-to-draw-but-not-how-to-make-it-real).

I come from the second option.

I studied the FP at the CIFP Manuel Antonio, in Vigo.

When I started the first year, I fell in love with the tailoring teacher. That woman had millions of knowledge to transmit and knew how to do it, as well as knowing how to get the best of each and every one of the students. She was the one who made me gain confidence and desire to learn this art <3

Luckily or unfortunately, I could only be with her in my beginnings and for only a few months.

Luckily, I found other teachers who inspired me too; one of them my tutor of the last course, Olimpia Freire.

The classes were very entertaining these years and we learned a lot of things, but many others remained in the pipeline. There are several reasons for this: the first is that more than 90% of the classmates were not really interested in learning anything related to our classes and this was either a springboard to get into higher education (that's how things work in Spain) and the second is that it is not really enough time to go deeply into everything that should be, since each course is only two years. We would need to go back to earlier times and each course would be at least 3 to 4 years ... But we are already fighting for it. For that reason and to change the programming of the classes and have more hours of practice and repeat less theory. Time to time, I guess ^^

Here you have some pictures of the facilities, which have improved during these years, but there are still things that can be improved, probably ^^

Well, the fact is that at the end of the courses we have the option of accessing an Erasmus + ^^
Most people are afraid of these things and I do not understand why. Of the 1600 students that we are in this center, only about 30 are enrolled to take the necessary tests to access an Erasmus +. These are things that I still can not understand about people, since I consider this kind of thing as a great opportunity to know new ways of working, new cultures, machinery, ways of seeing things ... I think it is an open door to a very deep learning and that makes you grow as a person and also opens your mind ^^

So I was one of those 30 people. And I placed myself at number 1 on the list. Not only for the relevant tests, but because the class notes also counted, and I have always had an average of honors, 9 out of 10 (I have some 10 too, but the average I think is 9, at least, the last year , the previous one was 10 out of 10).

When you cover the application for mobility and the possibility of doing the internship outside, you can choose, more or less and with a little coherence, the country you want to go to for that purpose. And I had it very clear: Scotland.

Why Scotland?

Well for me, for many reasons. The first is that I have always had passion for this country since I was a teenager.

But also because after having visited the country on vacation, I ended up in love with its landscapes and people <3 I needed to return to this country, and this was a great opportunity to do so, as well as showing me the other side of the coin: how is to work and live in Scotland.

It turns out that fate is sometimes very curious.

I sent my Erasmus + coordinator, Roi (that the poor must hate me because I'm a pain in the ass and I keep writing with millions of doubts and questions xD), a list of some 30 textile companies in Scotland, of all kinds ( both bridal shops that are more artisanal, up to large, fully industrial companies ).
And the first to answer the same morning of the contact was Q Sewing, located in Falkirk.

They asked me if it was okay for me and gave my approval to start with the paperwork <3

It turns out that, and this is where the whimsical fate comes, I had been writing for instagram for months with a Scottish guy I loved, and whom I expected to meet in person once I moved to do the internship, as I sensed that they would approve my Erasmus +.
Well, this guy happened to live in the same place where the company was and, as soon as I told him, he offered me lodging. Obviously, not only could I not reject it, but it really excited me.

And that's how you discover how crazy I can get to be xD

Moving to a city that I do not know, in a foreign country, without having an idea of ​​the slang of that country, with a boy I barely know on social networks to do my internship in a company of wedding outfits.

And it has been the best decision I ever made!

These last two days I was sewing more gowns in the bargain, and today I was entrusted with several customer orders to go up low on knit trousers. Very good task, and more complicated than it seemed at first. I hate fabrics that stretch from now on xD

Apart from sewing, today I had to do the maintenance of the coater and solve their problems, since it lost a lot of oil and could damage the clothes. So today's challenge was to completely disassemble the machine, since it was fixed to the table, and to drain all the excess oil.

We removed a whole bottle of oil from the machine, and, still, it was really full of oil. That was worse than a fryer! xD

I had to call one of the most beautiful and best dressed teachers we have at Manuel Antonio, Maria, to help me in the distance and give me encouragement. A thousand million thanks to her, since surely I would not have ventured to such a need if she had not helped me <3 <3 <3

And this is the summary of these last two days of work! Ah! And I leave my outfits too ^^

The one with sweets was on Tuesday, and the one with cats today. Everyone loves the cat dress xD
And that's it for now.

Btw...How are you doing this week?

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