Friday, I'm in love

Hello! How has your week gone?

Today I left home with apples for the horses that bought the most wonderful scottish in the world for me and the horses and ..... there was no sign of the horses u.u
Murphy was attentive xD

Today I continued with the work of yesterday ... first finish to undo the togas and then sew belcros. And there are still so many left xDD
I was also able to do fun things today. I had to mark, cut and baste the pattern shirt we made the other day. And the lady was delighted! On Tuesday we delivered the finished shirt. There are people who are lovely here <3 <3 <3

My boss taught me a new way to mark and cut the pattern. You always learn new things around here. I love it very much <3 <3 <3

Today we left early from work , time flies!

It seems that spring has finally arrived to Scotland!

When I get home, this man is in the midst of D&D, so I do not interrupt him.
One because I like to hear it and see him so happy, and another, because it is the only moment where I see he is being himself. Or rather I hear it, because he's in the other room XD

I clean the disaster in the kitchen, I prepare a tea, and here you have me ^^

I have written down to a walk that is tomorrow in Bo'ness, I do not know if I have suitable footwear for it, since it starts at 10:30 am and ends at 4:00 pm, but we will try it anyway. The walk begins at the Kinnel Museum, goes to Blackness Castle and passes through the church of Carriden. It's an event they do to celebrate the anniversary of writer John Muir.

19km of no walk xDD And of course, one wants to go a little cute to take pictures in the castle and in the church ... u.u So you'll see xDD

Tomorrow I tell you the experience!

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