Team Work

Good afternoon! It's Friday! xDDD And I never thought to say this phrase ... Having weekend off still feels strange ..

How was your week? From time to time you could answer me u.u

Well here we finished the week finishing the togas that we had pending and sewing more from scratch. Today we sewed a lot of them and my boss was happy with our work <3
In addition, she brought us millions of cookies to prime us xDDDD

Yesterday, my favorite Scottish of the multiverse prepared me a traditional Scottish dish that I do not know how to pronounce xDDD It was great, and today I took what was left over from lunch to work ^^

I've been resentful for a couple of days with the muscles of one of my legs and I do not know why TT ^ TT
So yesterday I was confined at home ... and I was hooked to "The girls of the cable" ... how bad xD
And what piece of clothing <3 <3 <3 It makes me want to dress like that TT ^ TT

By the way, this weekend there are millions of vintage fairs in both Glasgow and Edinburgh, so I do not know which one to decide where to go!

And, I'm a woman's mess, but I should take train tickets to go visit a friend in England ... I'm a mess. And I really want to see her!

It seems that today I do not have much to tell you ...I'm making the blog superfluous. I'm sorry u.u

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