Touch ane, touch a

Well here I go again and, as these days I have not had time and I do not know how much time I will have when I start working all week, then I will tell you my last two days and my first inteernship days all together ^^

The company is an hour away from the place where I live,  50min by bus; so I decide to walk the first day to know a bit about the surrounding landscape and explore the area a bit.

The idea was to go the day before with this Scottish man who has become my angel and guardian, but in the end we went by the bush and it could not be. So my first day of work I trusted San google and its maps.
To say that google told me that it took an hour and 3 minutes to arrive, so I left home 2 hours before just in case. As it was Thursday, and I had to eat at the company, I prepared a basic salad to take with me in a tupper, I loaded the backpack with all the paperwork erasmus and FCT and left very excited by the times to come.

I was not very sure of the look that I had on my first day, since I wanted to make a good impression, but still look like me. Because the following days I was sure that my personal style would come out a bit more xD I can hide being a normal person for a week, but I'm not sure I can save appearances much longer.
I said, I trusted San Google. And he put me on every goat trail ... how true it is that "he who does not know is like he who does not see" (or look at my village xD); because  I had more civilized roads and I did not discover them until I returned home.

Btw,my way work the first day took me an hour and a half, because on several occasions I got into goat tracks, roads without sidewalks and sometimes through the wrong alley. But let's continue being positive, the weather was good with me, it did not rain and the day was not very cold and I was talking by video call with the family, which always helps.

I was a little nervous when I arrived at the company, half an hour before the time I had to be there. I was hesitant to enter and show up or wait for the time, since there was not a single place or bar or whatever in 3 miles around to make time that half hour. In the end, someone came out to sweep the entrance and I decided to introduce myself.

The girl turned out to be the daughter of the owner of the business. A true love of a woman. We went in, she offered me tea and she told me a bit about the history of the company, she asked me about my goals, objectives and what I expected to find there.
Then she gave me a walk through the workshop, which is a family business, and it turns out to be a small but sufficient space. She tells me that the company opened 4 years ago and with the intention of being a store for party outfits, weddings, communions and special occasions; but given the place where it is and the difference of concepts that there is in Scotland with respect to her native country (Latvia), that was not entirely possible. So they do not just do that, they do assignments for the university and all kinds of arrangements. The girl is love and she apologizes to me again and again in case it was not what I expected.

Honestly, this way I will learn millions of things more than I expected in many aspects, so I am more than happy.

She takes me to the workshop and tells me to choose a machine, which will be my workshop from then on, putting me in agreement with the employee they have hired 3 days a week and which I will meet on Monday. She also tells me that there is a machine that neither the employee nor the employees like because, apparently, it does not do a bobbin and the stitch does not look good. So, with my stubbornness and my eagerness for unusual things, that is the machine I choose xD

She tells me the work I have for the day (transforming a few togas from the university, you have to undo, modify the neckline and add belcro and re-sew), and I'm about to pick up a piece of similar fabric to test the machine. It strikes me that they do exactly the same as us in class at the Manuel Antonio in Vigo: every piece of fabric is used and classified into boxes depending on their composition and these are used to test the machines, iron and others. I like it. I sit in the machine, I do the tests, I regulate tensions and the machine sews perfectly.

After checking with the two "workmates" that I will have these two days of work, that the stitch and  everything is correct, they give me the approval to start doing the job, surprised by having obtained that the machine of hell sewed me well. I start my work and I also thread the machine so that it goes bobbling while I sew. I have to squeeze the tap a bit, but start doing a good bit, so I do stop caring about it,

They spent the whole day wondering if I had any problems with the machine and checking that everything I sewed was perfectly well done. They also warned me that the bobbin might not warn me when it finished and started messing with the machine, but that never happened. The taps finished and stopped and everything worked perfectly.

I feel a little slow with the machine, but little by little I will be picking up speed. And nobody has told me anything about my speed either, so, let's have faith ^^

In some of the garments I had doubts because they were not as well finished as they should and my provisional boss tells me that I'm going to get along with her mother, who is the real boss, because we are equally perfectionists xD She tells me that life It is not perfect and try to leave the best finished items in the eye as possible. So, to my regret, I did the best I could even when I did not agree. But she is absolutely right. Sometimes it would be easier to make garments from scratch than to touch them up.

During the day, we take breaks every 3 hours to either eat or have tea. If everyone here treats their workers like that, I do not want to go back to Spain! Although I have to say, that in Spain I have the best boss in the world <3 And that I miss the people of my work a lot.

And that's how my first workday went. Much better than expected. Ah! And they loved my look! <3

To get back home, San Google sent me to another place, much faster, and it only took me 45 minutes to get there. We are getting better!

When I got home, the most wonderful Scotsman I could stumble upon, had our dinner ready. Plus, it was delicious! <3

We had dinner, we started to see the Gotham series and eventually I fell asleep on the couch until I decided to go to sleep. For a change, he has more endurance than me, and he stays in the living room.

On Friday I enter earlier, so I have to get up early. I trust that between San google and my memory they take me to the workplace just as quickly as they took me home the night before, so I only leave the house with an hour of time to get to work.

He woke me up and told me that he left my food prepared in a tupperware and a canteen to take water to work. Can someone be more wonderful? <3

I went to work and I arrived in 50min, which is quite a challenge and leaves me more than satisfied.

When I arrive, the boss's daughter has not arrived yet, but the friend of the same opens me up and I start to finish the work of the previous day while it arrives. No delay in arriving, about 5-10min maximum.

When we finish modifying and preparing the togas, it's time to put "a more serious job". Make the capitas from scratch.

And this is where I'm going to lose my eye. Olympia, do not take it into account xD. Before starting to sew tell me if I knew more or less the difference between cm to inches, since the latter are used here. We have to sew about a quarter of an inch, since the seams will be hidden to an inch once we finish the garments.

I get to the bargain, and it seems much easier and easier than the previous one. They go over my seams, they go well and straight, as it is extremely important. I am happy with the result and I manage to sew almost all the production during my day. In addition, the tensions had to be very precise as we sewed with white thread up and quite strong and dark colors in the bobbin. So I'm leaving more than satisfied. At the end of the day they congratulate me for my "hard work" and thank me for taking out all the production that I got ahead despite the difficulties of the machine, language and inexperience. These people are pure love <3

The food that he had prepared was very good.

In the morning it rained and I chose a darker look that the company did not like so much, although they did not say anything out loud to me. There are looks that express more than words.

When leaving work, however, makes a wonderful day and it seems that we went from winter to summer in just a few hours. It is still day and I like the feeling.

I return home more than happy.
Along the way I'm talking by video call with my Scottish soulmate and resident in Valencia. This woman and I are spiritually connected with very strong ties and I always feel great after talking to her, it is always a pleasure to listen to her and see that we have the same passion for certain things and that we respect our differences as well.

Second day of practices far exceeded. And ... it's still day and it's a great day!

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