Lazy girl

Hello!! Did you miss me?

Thursdays are the days I work till later, therefore, I come home later and I feel like less in the mood to write the blog u.u

So I think that almost every Friday I will write about my Thursday-Friday xD

Yesterday was a great day at work because we got a lot of production going on, and I was very happy because I had finished almost all the work ... there were only 5 to finish !! <3
It was a supposedly tedious, but productive work day, so I left happy with my work ^^

Also, it was a great day! So I also took the opportunity to dress in my line <3
On the way back home, they called me on the phone and I got distracted from the road I was following ... Those who know me know very well that I do not have any sense of direction, so I think you can imagine what happened xDD

Yes, I got lost. I went down a street that was not, and, as here the houses are all the same and I am clueless ... I realized when I reached the end of the street ... that ended at the entrance of one of the many "parks" that exist in these lands ... So, already lost, to the river! xD
I got into the park and kept walking, because the direction I was going was still correct, so I was hoping to find, at some point, some known reference. And, if not, I could always retrace my steps. But I was going to avoid that as much as possible ^^

In the end, I was a lucky girl and at one point, that park counted with another that I usually cross every morning on the way to work and every afternoon back from it ^^

So ... everything went well! <3

During this "incident" I remembered a lot of one of my aunts, since she is a super shy and scared person, and, the night before, poor thing had had a bad time because there was a storm and she was afraid of thunder, so I could not avoid imagining her in my situation. Poor, she would have died, my poor thing .... Ains ... But she couldn't be more cute, those who know her knows it xD Ne-chan you know that I love you <3

When I got home, the best scotsman ever prepared me homemade Mexican style superdiner, so ... what more could you ask of life? <3 <3 <3

Even though I was mocked because I got lost... like "How can you have lost if you go all the damn days down the same road?"
Things of this man, who still does not know me xD

Yesterday we did not play any videogame, we watched "A series of catastrophic misfortunes" and is quite entertaining <3

When I felt tired I went to bed ^^

Today is Friday and, after having lost yesterday, I decide that I will try to go to the bargain along that road and see what it takes, since I like the views of the little park and I do not go so much on sidewalks, I do not like so much ^^

So I leave home 10min earlier than usual, just in case ^^

I arrive at work about 15-20 minutes before the hour I should be there, with which I deduce that this road takes almost the same, minute up, minute down.

Today we finally finished with the togas! Or so I thought ^^

When I arrived, I had breakfast with my boss and her daughter, who are pure love, and they baited me. Breakfast like a queen and we get to work ^^

Today my boss has a new task for me before putting on the final gowns: Sew the bottoms of elastic jeans.

I liked the task and I thought it was something that was not going to be bad ... But it was not as good as I expected. Even though my boss said that it was not so horrible to be the first TT ^ TT.

Being the elastic fabric, she had previously cut the basses and basting. He taught me how to hit the fattest seams to put them in the machine, so far all well and known, but very cool to have a profound explanation on the subject (this woman is love). But the problem came when I got into the machine. The machine where we sew the bass is a machine of at least double drag, since the presser foot is another of the elements that help the drag. I take the inside leg of the presser foot as a reference, but when going through the fat seams, I lose the north and the seam is not as straight as it should be .... If you look at it from the back of the pants it is not so bad and the difference is minimal, but for the right is really not good at all.

Time to unpick and try again.

After a couple of times, at the end the pants go as they go. Maybe not as bad as the first seam I did, but not as well as they should u.u

When finishing with this task, it is time to go back to the togas ^^ When I finish with them, all happy, I communicate it and they tell me that all I need is a stitching of final reinforcement. All right!

We put ourselves to it.

This stitching is a bit delicate because it has to be hidden in a seam in the middle of just two pieces, right where the cord that is used to hang the garment on a rack is, so you have to be careful not to shit it. In addition, it is sewn with different colors, the more clear above and the darker in the quill. What ....does it sound like fun? <3

I thought I was not going to end up with them today, but ... I did it <3

So another day I'm happy with the work ^ ^ Despite the jeans. Definitely, I need a lot more practice ...

The Boss's daughter packs all togas, puts them in a large bucket with wheels and locked with padlock, which seems to be how they arrived here.

The first thing I do when I finish is to mark and cut velcro,
Because you know what's next?
More velcros and togas xD
At first, we thought that sew them, but we find another one of those buckets full of togas, with which, it is necessary to unpicked more ....

The day ends and we do not have time to unpick all we would like, but, Monday is another day!

And so we ended the week ^^

I come home and this man is connected to Skype with headphones surrounded by dice and with a notebook, plus 2 laptops. I do not even ask, I take the opportunity to write all this while he seems to ... play Rol online? Don't know really xDDD

Good weekend to everyone !!! <3 <3 <3

P.S .: Do you remember the hairdressers from hell who did not know what they wanted? Well the thing is that these people, in addition to not knowing what they want and that seems to have no idea of fashion, they had written down their phone on a piece of paper and a deadline for delivery of the dress, we assume that by the date of the contest or something... Well, the fact is that that date was Tuesday, April 10th. Today they were supposed to come to do another try of the outfit, Well, they call and say that they can not come and that they can not even Monday until the afternoon ... with which we went crazy, obviously. Do these people believe that a dress is made with the requirements they have in less than an afternoon ??? But in what world do they live?

Well the thing turns out to be even worse .... It turns out that now they say that we invented the delivery deadline ..... Really, what a pity not knowing what hairdressers saloon they are ... just for not going there ever. What a rabble ¬ ¬

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